گلچینی ازبهترینها برای شماکه بهترینید ??????????? ڪانال ما شیکترین وبهترینه? عزیزدل لفت نده بیصـــــ?ــداکن? @Loveme_20♥️♥️ ڪانال دوم ما @musikLove20❤️
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"Complex Systems Studies" is a graduate-level channel aiming to announce all kinds of stuff related to the field of Complex Systems. * Our purpose is to be up-to-date, precise and international. ? Contact us: [email protected]
My other Channels: @Melancholic_Songs & @CCCP_Nostalgia For Contacting Me: @JaziTheEccedentesiast Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. (c) Banksy